Agent Charitable Fund Awards Grant to Leslie Outreach
Leslie Outreach was recently awarded a $1,500 grant to fight food insecurity in the community by the Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund (ACF). Grant funds will be used to purchase food for their menu-based food bank.
Leslie Outreach is one of 12 organizations throughout the state to receive a Feeding the Future Grant from the ACF in April. Organizations are nominated by a local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served, and overall goal of the program. In 2024, a total of $100,000 will be awarded through this grant program. Feeding the Future grants are reviewed every other month and grants are awarded up to $3,000.
Farm Bureau Insurance agent Mark Voss nominated Leslie Outreach for the grant and is passionate about raising awareness surrounding local food insecurity and supporting hunger-relief efforts in mid-Michigan. As Voss says, “I am blessed to have not been forced to miss any meals. I understand it is harder to learn hungry, so I want to do what I can to feed kids especially so they can learn and hopefully one day get out of the rut of no food.”
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming. Through grant programs like Feeding the Future, Farm Bureau agents, clients and partners provide food and educational programs to Michigan residents struggling with hunger and aid the more than 3,000 hunger-relief agencies throughout the state.